ShitoShito's main voicebank it's a Full Monopitch VCV voicebank, with special addons like Extra C5 and A3 Pitches (Vowels only, it's avaliable to twitch/edit/add depending on the use), extra "L", "rr" and ending spanish "R", "S" and "M" samples, It has a more cheerful and powerful femenine voicebank, very fitting for pop, j-idol and happy sounding songs, you can also make her sing in spanish with OpenUtau phonemizers and the extra spanish samples.
ShitoShito's CV voicebank its a really basic beginner CV voicebank from 2019-2020, with a fixed oto in comparison to the original voicebank. It has a soft femenine voicebank, slightly choppy but most audios were fixed so it still works.
ShitoShito, it's quite the peculiar superhero with an intriguing power that connects to her actual voice, being born with an ability to alter her own voice to give different effects, from healing abilities if she sings in a softer tone, to electryfing attacks if she sings loudly, or really quickly, even when she screams, she fills her concerts with a lot of energy for her fans, while singing the evil out of dangerous villains with the power of her voice!.
She is a really happy and energetic idol, the perfect example of a golden retriever person, kinda clumsy but she always has a great spirit. She has a really bubbly personality, and loves singing and dancing, her favorite drink and flavor has been and will always be Matcha, she loves Matcha icecream. She was an idol since she was a pre teen, because always loved to make people happy with her singing and dancing. She always liked it almost since she learned how to walk and talk. Her parents were really thankful for having this bundle of joy, laughing and smiling everywhere they went, in general she has a really cute and young appeal to a lot of people, if you meet her, you will always feel how honest, kind and pure her soul can be.
Age: 25
Blood type: AB positive
Birthday: October 20th
Height: 1:65 cm
Weight: 53 kg
Likes: Sunflowers, Matcha, Acting, Plants!, Acting, Singing and Dancing
Dislikes: the Moon, Bees, Overly Sour Flavors, Pork Meat.